APRIL 18, 2013





Now, some of you will remember that I featured on Ashley’s blog last year fro an interview, competition, giveaway! Well, today, I’m back with Ashley for a review + giveaway for the Soul Meaning Book Tour! 
I’ve been friends with Ashley since last year, when I discovered that she shared my same insane love for manga and anime, especially Kuroko No Basket! We’ve fangirled over many a manga man (Rai + Frankie boy from Noblesse…drool…) and I’ve cheered her on through her dastardly science exams (with appropriate manga themed fangirl pics, of course). This is one woman I MUST visit if I go to Canada!


So without ado, here’s the Soul Meaning review from Ashley and her fabulous blog FireStarBooks!!! It’s a 5✮ people! 







If you love Supernatural, or Grimm, Person of Interest, Nikita or anything of the sort, you will LOVE this book. The book started like no other. It completely captivated me; imagine sneaky little arms coming out of the book and pull you into the book…yup. I felt I was thrown into a live action film with bullets flying right past me. My sympathetic nervous system was going crazy. This book will:



Dilates pupil
Increases rate and force of contraction
Dilates bronchioles
Blood Vessels
Sweat Glands
Activates sweat secretion
Digestive tract
Inhibits peristalsis
Increases renin secretion
Promotes ejaculation
Above was copied straight off of Wiki…haha, I was too lazy to type it up. Gosh my profs and  teachers should be ashamed of me for going into science. 
But really, I haven’t felt this attached to a book from the very beginning since I read Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield. I literally had trouble breathing. It was almost like a very vivid dream, you know the ones that sends shivers down you body long after you woke up? The story wasn’t scary but it felt so real! AD painted this beautiful, dark, and powerful setting. It was so realistic, that even someone who has a limited imagination can picture the details. And what else I liked about AD’s writing was that she spend just enough words on description so it doesn’t feel like a whole paragraph of description but it was just enough for you to get what she meant. So basically she threw hints at you but left you rooms to imagine the rest as your brain starts to form the images and places. Beautiful! Also! I couldn’t help but to fangirl over Lucas. This fangirling was different, not the “swoon” love, but the star-struck love. I just admired him. Every time he just doesn’t stop surprising me. I had my jaws wide open most of the time. Gosh, he was like Harvey Specter from Suits, ADMIRATION THROUGH THE ROOF! But he was not flashy like Harvey. He was the type of guy that you kind of miss and will forget if you pass him by on the road. The was like a “phantom” ;). Gosh I wish I can tell you some of the specifics but I can’t (that will just ruin the whole “:O awesome!” for you guys). So mouth shut.
I liked Reid too, he was different. I can’t really pin-point the specifics but he didn’t felt like the nerd sidesick nor the fat dumb friend. He was just “normal” but still badass.
And the plot, what an adventure! I don’t think I have read something quite like it in a while! I mean going to a biotech company?! That is soooo coool! The science geek in me was thrashing. The little intricate detail was a little heaven more me. It reminded me of reading Kathy Reich’s books, hmmmmm, Ashley happy. 🙂 But don’t get me wrong, I am not THAT crazy for science. I just like to learn new stuff (so I googled a lot of the stuff in the book). And you don’t have to be a scientist to read this book. It was just like an added bonus for geeks like me. Like you know, that little inside joke? And my lord! Europe! Paris, Prague, everything, like I want a trip around Europe now. I wish I can tell you the adventure they did but hello spoilers. *sigh*
So final thought? I really want this book to get adapted to a show or something. I mean I started this review listing the shows that this book is similar to, (which I forgot to mention, this book, very 007 action-like, with The Da Vinci Code mystery and adventure), I just would love to see a movie to show out of this book!

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