MARCH 18, 2013




And here’s the first pitstop on the tour! Interview and giveaway with Author & Blogger Pembroke Sinclair. Enjoy!


Q) What inspired you to write this story? 


An image of the number 17 written in dripping red paint on a black marker stone standing on a sandbank in the middle of a tropical lagoon in Mauritius. I wanted to write a short story to submit to the British Fantasy Society Short Story Competition a few years ago. After deliberating on several ideas, I decided to write about a man who could die seventeen times. Lucas Soul was born and his story became Soul Meaning. 


Q) How long did it take you to write? 


It took a year to write the first draft while working almost part time. If I wrote full time, it would have taken me six months to do the first draft. Rewrites took another six months. 


Q) What is your favorite thing about writing? 


Finishing a scene and realizing that the story has taken on a life of its own, and guided you to places you never thought it would go. 


Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing? 


Edits and rewrites. They can be soul destroying, pun unintended! It takes a lot of patience to work through the words that you’ve read a dozen times before. But they need to be done to polish the story. 


Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?


In medicine, Gregor Mendel. Because he established the laws of inheritance that would form the basis of modern genetics. His work was one of the reasons I loved biology and became fascinated with biotechnology and genetic engineering. 


In writing, Neil Gaiman. The man is a wonderful human being, a great storyteller, and a true inspiration for other writers. 


Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it? 


Hmm. Apparently, it’s an unopened jar of strawberry jam. It’s a year old. It looks suspiciously edible. 


Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?


The next books in the series Seventeen. King’s Crusade, the second novel, will be out in May this year. An epic, dark fantasy trilogy that has been at the back of my head for a few years. A sci-fi/steampunk YA novel. Possibly a humorous fantasy series. 







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